Paisley Philharmonic Choir

Voices in Harmony
A Brief History of the Choir

Ian Anderson
Founding Director

Bill Ritchie

20th Anniversary of the Choir, and Handel's
250th Annversary

Sarah Skerritt
Musical Director
In September of 1988 Ian Anderson, then Principal Teacher of Music at Stanely Green High School in Paisley, was asked to form a choir to give a performance of Handel's Messiah, as part of Greenlaw Church's Centenary.
Following the success of that venture, it was decided to officially constitute the choir as 'Paisley Philharmonic Choir' in January of 1989.
Bill Ritchie was the choir's accompanist from 1998 to 2016. For 18 years he gave invaluable service and support to the choir members, the local and wider community, and the various churches and other non-profit organisations the choir was able to help through fundraising. He contributed to the musical life of so many who participated, attended concert events and were uplifted and inspired. That's a contribution to music itself - and a record to be proud of!
Harold Thalange
Musical Director
In 2009 the Choir reached its 20th Anniversary and marked it with a performance of The Messiah, which also coincided with the 250th year of Handel
Anniversary celebrations.
We celebrated our 30th anniversary in 2019 with a performance of Mozart's Requiem in Paisley Abbey, which also marked the retirement of our Founding Director, Ian Anderson.
The Choir held it's first rehearsal with Sarah on 20th Aug 2019. Notable events that followed were concerts in St Cuthbert's, Edinburgh in October, Inchinnan Parish in November, Carols in Paisley Abbey in December and Methodist Central Hall on 8th March 2020. Just 15 days after that the first Covid lockdown was announced by the government. Rehearsals and concerts were suspended and during the following months Zoom events, including a virtual Christmas Concert, were the only possiblilty of keeping in touch as a choir.
In February 2022 choir members were able to join in 'About Us', part of the Unboxed Festival, singing under the stars in front of Paisley Abbey, with spectacular sound and light shows.
September 2022 started a new season, with the appointment of a new Musical Director, Derrick Morgan.